Getting RSS

Subscribing with Google Reader (Windows / Macintosh / Linux)


Google Reader has many advantages as a web feed reader / aggreator. These include:



1. Accessibility: As a browser-based service, users can access Google Reader from ANY Internet-connected computer.

2. Features: Google Reader lets users STAR posts (to highlight for more attention later) and SHARE posts with others via an HTML code snippet that can be added to a blog, wiki, or other webpage.

3. Cost: It is within my price-range (i.e. free).



To get started, using your screen name only, visit the Google website ( Set up a free Google account and log in.




Once you are logged in to your Google account, visit the Google Reader website ( To start SUBSCRIBING to web feeds using Google Reader, you'll need to visit the websites that have FEEDS. These are sometimes labeled RSS or ATOM. Often the feed address will have an icon like this:



Right click on the web feed link / icon (Macintosh users CONTROL - CLICK) and choose to COPY the feed address.

After copying the WEB FEED address, click the TAB for Google Reader and click ADD SUBSCRIPTION link:


Then PASTE the WEB FEED address and click the ADD button:

If desired, select or create a FEED FOLDER within Google Reader to keep this feed organized with others:


To browse and read FEEDS you have subscribed to, select the feed in the left sidebar to display the latest posts in the feed in the right window:





Fryer, W (2007). Subscribing to Web Feeds. Retrieved March 24, 2007, from SITEblog Web site: